Forest Products Group Trust

Partners in Safety

Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance

The Forest Products Group Trust (FPT) consists of a group of employers within the forest industry which united to optimize the safety of their employees.  Members of FPT receive the best loss prevention and claims management services available while also minimizing their workers’ compensation costs.

FPT is one of the most successful, cost effective providers of workers’ compensation coverage in Maine.  Created to benefit the members and their employees– not insurance carriers, it is made up of 17  employers with approximately 2,050 employees.   It has an enviable record of safety and lower costs.  

The members work together to keep employees safe, reduce costs and maintain standards of excellence.  Premiums are consistently below market and during the last 30 years FPT has refunded over $23.7 million, which is approximately 29% of all premiums paid.

If world class safety for your employees and minimizing costs is of interest, consider joining this exceptional group of employers.

Why Workers' Compensation Group Self-Insurance?

  • Control and stability over your workers’ compensation program
  • Competitive pricing
  • Premium refunds
  • Long term approach to minimize cost and maximize benefits
  • Self-Insured employers represent nearly 42% of the overall WC market in Maine  (based on standard premium)
  • Dedicated Service Team for Loss Control
        Customized Loss Prevention Programs
  • Dedicated Service Team for Claims Management
       – Aggressive Claims Management Programs
  • Dedicated Service Team for Administration/Underwriting
  • Access to numerous training programs
  • Access to on-line claims management system 24/7
  • Preferred candidates: Minimum $40,000 premium and
    modification factor under 1.25

The long-term Workers' Comp Solution

Forest Products Group Trust

Providing Workers’ Compensation protection since January, 1993.

  1. Is safety part of your company culture?
  2. Are you passionate about providing a safe work environment that sends employees home happy and healthy at the end of each day?
  3. Do you want to reduce costs and maintain standards of excellence?
  4. Would you value association with leading Maine companies?
  1. Our members don’t pay insurance companies, we pay ourselves.
  2. The best safety expertise and support team in the industry.
  3. A collaborative approach that saves money and keeps our employees safe.
  4. Long term focus and savings unmatched in the industry.

What our members say about us

Our years of membership in the Forest Products Group Trust have proven to be more than advantageous! Not only do we have a group of professional administrators that work tirelessly to help manage claims and keep premiums as reasonable as possible, but they’ve developed a powerful forum for member companies to share safety practices and experiences. It has been an all-around win for both of our companies!
Nicolas Fontaine, President
Stratton Lumber and Moose River Lumber
Workplace health and safety was always a priority at our company. We had a good program in place but knew it could be better. We just did not know how to get to the next level. When we found out about the Forest Products Group Trust, we were excited about the opportunity but apprehensive about the level of commitment. What we found out was that the resources that the Trust brought to us was a game changer. From risk management training, loss control support, and quality claim management, we could not be more pleased about being part of this group and feeling like we have much more control of our destiny.
Brian Souers, President
Treeline, Inc.
Joining Forest Products Group workers' compensation program has been overwhelmingly positive. It has not only saved us significant costs but has also elevated our commitment to employee safety and operational excellence. Additionally, through this program, we've had a decrease in claims costs and administrative expenses. We have been able to implement proactive safety measures and comprehensive return-to-work programs, ensuring that our employees receive the support they need to recover swiftly and return to productivity. Employees are more engaged and invested in maintaining a safe work environment, knowing that their well-being is our top priority. I wholeheartedly recommend joining Forest Products Group Trust to any organization seeking greater control, efficiency, and support in managing workers' compensation.
Catherine Robbins-Halsted
Robbins Lumber, Inc.